The Spectacles
The Spectacles
Lori Gloyd (c) April 30, 2006. "The House of the Serpent Woman". Photo montage April 30, 2006
Join travellers in the Land of Standing Stones and Warm the Stone Artist.
The Spectacles
Lori Gloyd (c) April 30, 2006. "The House of the Serpent Woman". Photo montage April 30, 2006
The Angry Pixie is pretty darned angry. In fact she is in a rage. She reminds me of my mother on washing day when I was growing up. I knew to head for the hills when the wind was blowing and Mum was battling with heavy sheets. So, I would stay clear of the pixie if I were you!
It seems there was a rush to grab the red winged Italian numbers that had been left in what she thought was a rubbish bin. Now she has been left with wingless ones that looked more like ballet shoes. I mean, really! All these travellers are a ruddy pain!
Apart from this, Saucepan Man has been giving her the irritates and she has nothing nice to say about the Rainbow Serpent Priestess. She has been muttering and huffing and puffing and tellling anyone who will listen that the Rainbow Serpent Priestess is a simple sap who knows sweet all about real life experiences.
Could get interesting!
The Oracle of Sophia
It is a bewildering collection of items. I turn each object over in my hands, examining them, wondering to myself what I will possibly do with them: a pair spectacles, a candlestick, a tiny anchor, a medallion with the imprint of the Unicorn, a map, and a pair of red Italian stilettos.
Lori Gloyd (c) April 29, 2006. Image created in Photoshop 7 especially for this post.
I am very excited about this long journey we are on but cannot seem to find my writing feet often enough to post here regularly. I must continue to read everyone's work, because when I do, I then find my own words emerging from within.
Now that I've set foot onto the soil where the Land of the Standing Stones inhabits, I feel awed and frozen with fear. Thoughts of unworthiness and criticism swirl around, but I push them aside and take in all that I can see, hear and feel.
Exercise: Warming The Stone Artist
Word has travelled all over the land and down amongst the folk of the Faraway Tree. The tree trunk is full of traffic as all sorts of strange folk head for the House of the Serpents. Some witches found the red stilletoes lying in the garbage bin and now they have taken wing and are flying along the road of the rainbow serpents in the hope of gettting there before May Day. It is going to be quite a gathering at the House of the Serpents this May Day. The Gypsy Wagons may take longer to navigate the mountain pathway and some travellers may catch a raven or slip on the red winged shoes to make sure they are there early.
From across the mountains drifts the sweet call of the Rainbow Serpent Priestess who sits, playing a lilting tune, calling travellers and serpents to come home to the House of the Rainbow Serpent for awhile.
the mists of time,
another world, another way.
untouched by human hands,
to fly among the Swamp Gum
dawn coming through.
copyright Monika Roleff 2006.
Whose feet will fit into the winged red shoes that le Enchanteur is offering to travellers? And where, for that matter, will the shoes take the lucky traveller? Maybe one size fits all and everyone can take a flight to remember.
Red Shoes, Brown Shoes, and Italian Pumps
While my sleeping self sleeps in the wagon Saucepan Man plays the serenades travellers with his accordion outside the wagon.Zoomed in on the cage and have realised that my sleeping self is actually taking the time to fly free and enjoy out of body (out of cage) experiences. I am going to become a bit of a sleuth, watch her more closely and see where she is flying off to. Maybe things are not quite as they seemed.
In the Gypsy Caravan, propped near the Stream of Mnemosyne, my sleeping self sleeps peacefully, dreaming dreams that are filled with memories, fluttering like butterflies. After being in a coma for so long this is a very good sign that she will awaken here in the Land of Stones.
Bahia de Todos
Remember those nights at Casa Mirasol
after hot days of surfing
and eating carnitas,
those cool gray mornings when we
padded down the beach collecting
wishing for turban shells,
that day we danced in the sea
under a golden Baja sun.
and debated the merits of
a good fish taco,
the night we peered at
the Milky Way spilling
and marveled at how sand dollars
looked like stars. Remember
those days and nights for they shall
not come again. Remember
as you gaze at
faded Yankee skies
those brilliant nights of
stars and shells
on Bahia de Todos
B is for Baba Yaga who remembers when she was young and wild and as free as the wolves who ran with her, snapping at the chicken legs of her house, bringing bones for her to make her fence.
Baba has crone knowing and shares with those who know the right questions to ask.
E is for Enchanteur whose enchantments are legendary.
It was Enchanteur who led travellers through the doorway
Into the world of the Soul Food Silk Road
Travel with Enchanteur through the Mountains of Myrrh and you will not only be enchanted
by the characters you meet, the places you stay
but you will be captivated by the surge in your creativity
A is for the illusive Amazon Queen who presides over this realm. We never did reach her camp. Perhaps this time we will find her.
Searching for the Mythic......
At first I considered the myths most familiar to me- the Greek myths-- and soon realized that though they are grand stories, they are adventures penned by men for men, stories where women are unseen and unheard. Even the strong female deities seem to have been reduced to caricatures-- Hera, the shrewish wife; Artemis, the woman so wild that she gets hidden away in the forest most of the time. Even Athena herself seems more like a man in drag than a woman (and she sprang from her father's head, not her mother's?).
Being unhappy with these classic myths, I moved on to non-Western traditions. For example, I briefly considered the Hopi story of Spider Woman who wove creation on her loom. Again, this is a marvelous story, beautiful in its imagery, with much to teach us, but it is a story for the HOPI people, not me.
Myths become myths because they contain timeless truths that resonate with our cultures and personal experiences. So I went back to MY roots and considered the stories that I had been told all my life. In our post-modern world, it may not be cool or hip to read the biblical stories, but these stories are a part of my culture and my life and I will not discard them. My ancient mothers, flawed women living in violent times, were real women who so impressed their communities with their courage, faith, and wisdom, that their stories have become Mythic in nature and will endure forever.
Some might argue that the biblical stories were written by the men-folk, and though this is more than likely correct, they were based on oral traditions articulated by both men and women to their communities, evolving for thousands of years around countless campfires. For example, I really doubt that a man would have constructed the story of Hannah's grief over her barrenness and her feelings of inadequacy. Similarly, who would have shared the intimate details of the Annunciation. Joseph? No, Mary. Only women tell such stories to each other.
I have come full-circle, I think. In my search for a personal mythology, I ended with what already resided within me. I learn the mythic lessons from very real woman. And with that, I am truly content.
Text : Lori Gloyd (c)
I am your true mother, she said, I have been watching and waiting for your arrival since the day you were born.
The child wondered who her real parents were, where the safety she craved might be found, where the love that she "knew" in her deepest self might be found. The myth she lived by was that one day all would be magically revealed, the craving for a safe haven and a soul mate would be resolved and life would be transformed forever.
Saucepan Man is waxing lyrical, telling travellers tall tales about life on the road. Everyone seems spellbound. I wonder which story he is telling them all? Perhaps one of you may share one of Saucepan Man's stories about travelling through the mountains to Baba Yaga's and beyond.
I feel shy and in awe of what I see at the Land of Standing Stones. I feel the energy of this place, vibrating deep within me as I peer over the ledge and take a look at this wondrous place of creativity. The Stones are calling to me in a way that only my soul understands but my mind is still getting in the way. I have yet to delve deeply or even take the first few tentative steps but I know I will get there in the end.
Saucepan Man has come up the Faraway Tree, in to the Land of Standing Stones, to help those of us who are heading further into the land to meet the Lemurian Elders and healers, stock up our Gypsy vans. It will be a long journey and so we need to be well prepared.
Nothing on the island seems to have worked.
Clearly we are going to have to take my sleeping self to wise, elder, healers who live deep within the Land of Standing Stones. It will be a long journey and so I will harness the horse to pull the gypsy wagon with her comfortably on board.
We will call at the House of Serpents and at Baba Yaga's to seek advice.
If anyone wants to come to meet these wise Lemurian Elders, and learn about the Lemurian Mysteries just hitch up a wagon and join us.
Knitting away, my friends. And I know it isn't writing, but it's so akin. Getting past the hurdle in the knitting has freed up my mind, my gears are unstuck and I am free-flowing again. Clicking away on the needles, I can think about writing. About words. About creating. And that makes me happy.
Having ferried across the lake to the island we have to travel on horseback to meet the healer who will re-awaken an aspect of my creativity that has lain sleeping for over a hundred years.
Guides are travelling with us, showing the way through the foggy marshlands.
I was never one for fairy tales - I preferred the myths and legends of the British Isles, Greek and Norse myths, but few fairy tales captured my interest. I did enjoy Goldilocks and the Three Bears, although my sympathy lay with the bears - I'd be pretty annoyed if a spoilt brat broke into my home, wrecked the furniture and gobbled the porridge.
I've made a few things since coming to the land of Standing Stones...want to see?
Tonight I sat sketching and drew myself ferrying my sleeping self across to the monastery and the Castalian waters. I figure if I can just get her into those Castalian waters she will revive and I will awaken yet another creative self. We are carrying plenty of gold to pay the guardian of the springs.
Friends, I've made myself crazy already and we haven't even gone anywhere yet on the journey. When I got the first note about the medicine bag, I went nuts. "Oh, I know the perfect bag to knit," I thought. "I can do it quickly." So, I've obsesses over that for a week now. And today, finally I finished it, but because it was the first one for me, a prototype, let's say; it isn't what I want.
In a walled garden
I do declare! Is that Sleeping Beauty that the gypsies are bringing to the Land of Standing Stones to be warmed and awakened from one hundred years of sleeping?
Sleeping Beauty is the myth I have lived by. She is the heroine in the Princess and the Muse, a story I wrote many years ago.
Once she is awakened here she will live out another ending. No handsome prince to marry! Instead, she will have her creativity awakened.
What is the myth you live by?