Friday, April 07, 2006

Journey With the Ferry Woman

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A Ferry Woman waits on the quay, ready to take you across to the site of the old monastery. Other Ferry Woman have met other travellers. The woman who waits for you is someone known to you.

Note the standing stones that line the path leading to the stone monastery that has weathered many centuries on this ancient island. You need to walk the sacred path up, past these stones, past the monastery and find the stone with an entrance. You will know the stone when you see. it. The portal will be obvious.

The keeper of the springs that lie beneath this stone meets you and takes you down the stone staircase. Look around. This is a fascinating subterranean world. Observe as many details as possible.

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You are taken to a pool, filled by the famed creative waters of Castalia, and are told that if you immerse yourself i n these warm waters you will be renewed and come away with fresh insight and a creative vision.

You undress and sink into the steaming water, sighing as it encasses your body. Lying, with your head rested on a stone head rest images form in your mind....

After some time you step out of the water and dress. The keeper guides you back up the staircase and you return to the dock and find the ferry woman who is patiently waiting to row you back to the Land of Stones.

Share the whole experience with us by the camp fire at the camp when you return. You might narrate the whole story or simply share your the vision that came to you as you lay in the restorative waters. Make sure to tell us about the Ferry Woman and the Keeper of the Springs.


At 7:15 PM, Blogger Anita Marie Moscoso said...

Geeze, and here I thought I was going to get the night off. Okay, here I go the dark, alone, sob sob

Anita Marie

At 7:23 PM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

No nights off around here my sweet. This is an intensive. LOL One has to use drastic measure to break down the stones that block creativity. Not that you have any problems coming up with ideas darling.

Enough of the sobbing about the dark and all that.

At 11:31 PM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

These trips are amazing - never know what will happen. Love the pic too, by the way:-)

At 1:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope I don't get claustraphobic down here.I am not always good with tight small spaces.I pick my steps with care.Thank goodness I remembered my comfortable sturdy walking shoes,they have been used in all sorts of situations, but I had no idea I would be doing this.
It is amazing what one can discover on a simple ferry ride who would have thought it,we are almost there says a familiar vo[ce in front of me who is that! I think for a moement,oh yes I remember now, a friend from long ago.She always did have a calming,soothing voice,hipnotic really. ideally suited really. I met her at a camp about hobbies,her chosen hobby was creative writing.It was great to see her again.Marlyn was the lady of the spring.How wonderful!
I could here the gentlte bubble of the water.oh look,there it is. The water is lovely and warm and you could tell it had magical but natural qualities.You didn't have to swim,it was impossible to could lie there and imagine,concentrate even,Marilyn joined me in the pool. we waited as our minds jouneyed back in time to a wisdom we both new exsited but rarely heard from. I wanted to meet the talened young people whose lives were tradigically cut short by the second and first world wars. What sort of lives did they lead before the brutality of war.How many were housewives,painters,authors,artist and lovers.How I wondered would they have choosen to make this world a better place if they had had the opportunity to live. How would Mark and jenny have lived? Would the book she was writing sell well, yes jenny said that she was very pleased with the results,It had not made her rich but it had kept her husband well enough and it had made her very happy as she had at last been able to use her talent. I told her I often thought of her and the many others like them. I know we learn much if we did but understand.Oh well at least I had tried and maybe Mark and Jenny would get intouch again and share more of their lives.Time passed soon enough and it time to leave.It had been a thought provoking,comforting enjoyable experience.agjnseac (SusanPreston)


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